Cannabis Indoors

The only fabric manufacturer
specifically designed
for indoor cultivation.

A grower tends to cannabis seedlings growing indoors in thin black Root Pouches

A pot like no other.

Indoor growers don’t need what outdoor folks do, and we don’t make the same fabric for either style.

With more natural fibers added, thinner containers for extreme breathability, and no unnecessary handles to get in the way of irrigation, our specialized fabric containers are ready to accelerate your growth.

Clone seedlings sprout from thin black Root Pouches indoors under grow lights

The best start to life a clone could hope for.

Our most specialized fabric, Thin Black is by far our thinnest - about 1/4th of our standard blends. We balance this incredibly breathable material by blending in a huge amount of natural fibers, providing the plant both a temperate root zone and balanced water distribution.

Dozens of cannabis saplings sprout from charcoal Root Pouches under grow lights

Expect more out of your pot.

Specifically designed for short crops like cannabis, our Charcoal line has it all. Breathability, even water distribution, and a competitive price - all reasons why top growers like Cloud Cover and Viola Brands use Root Pouch.

A grower tends to juvenile cannabis plants indoors growing in root pouches

Tested safe, for your medicine.

By controlling everything from raw material to distribution, we confidently produce the healthiest containers available, which have been tested to be food safe using FDA methods.

Mother cannabis plants growing indoors in Root Pouches

The only home you’d put your mother in.

On the thicker side of our fabric lines, Grey still incorporates a huge amount of natural fibers to provide a balanced watering state for the most important plants you have.

And, when you need to move plants to cloning stations, our handles make movement an easy task.


Cannabis, Outdoors


Greenhouse Growing